Does Aromatherapy Really Ease Anxiety?

Did you know that it has been scientifically proven that certain smells can affect your mood?

The sense of smell is very powerful and the right scent can put you in a good mood, or calm you down during times of stress or anxiety.

'Aroma therapy' or using essential oils for aromatherapy purposes is becoming an increasingly popular way to reduce stress levels at home, work and even in schools.

Whilst there are no clinical studies specifically focusing on this subject, enough positive feedback from users have led many researchers to conclude that it works.

Aromatherapy with essential oils is believed to be helpful in treating people suffering from depression, anxiety disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder and other stress-related conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder.

Aromatherapy is the use of plant oils, called essential oils, to promote physical or psychological well-being.

Essential oils are concentrated volatile (usually odourless) liquids extracted from plants.

They contain various chemical components such as terpenes and terpenoids among others.

These scents can be used for cosmetic purposes, but also have medicinal value.

These include pain management, but a particular benefit, and one of the most interesting is its potential ability to treat anxiety.

I should imagine that being in ICU having major surgery would make any one feel anxious.

One study has found that aromatherapy is used to successfully reduce anxiety and increase relaxation in patients in this situation

Another situation that makes many of us feel anxious is the dentist.

Just thinking about it can raise the stress levels of even the most level-headed person.

The good news is that aromatherapy has been found to lower the stress levels of children before having dental treatment.  

Many aromatherapists think that lavender oil is by far the best for treating anxiety.

Mixing the oil with water in a diffuser or vaporizer will suffice.

Or you can simply place an oil-soaked cotton ball underneath your pillow before going to bed at night to allow you to access its benefits.

The benefits of aromatherapy are seemingly endless, especially when one considers its non-invasive nature and the fact that essential oils can be made at home by anyone interested in doing so.

The use of these natural compounds have evidently shown promising signs in helping with symptoms related to anxiety disorder patients.

Some of the ways you could do this at home include having specific scents around your house according to what mood you'd like to feel (e.g., placing a bowl of fresh flowers (including lavender) in your bedroom if you wish to wake up feeling relaxed).

You could also burn candles using specific scents associated with reducing either anxiety or depression.

You could also purchase a diffuser which diffuses the scent of essential oils into the air.

Aromatherapy is a natural way to reduce stress and anxiety, so why not give it a try!

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