5 Healthy Foods You Should Be Eating

Here are 5 Healthy Foods You Should Be Eating.

1) Apple

Yes, it’s true an apple a day will keep the doctor away. Apples are a good source of vitamin C and improved blood glucose and cholesterol levels.

Also, their antioxidant properties promote the production of collagen which strengthens veins and capillaries. Which helps to maintain fresh youthful-looking skin.

2) Salmon

Rich in B12, vitamin D and with one of the highest concentrations of omega-3. This is your best bet when it comes to improving Cardiovascular functions and may even help to reduce depression.

Salmon is one of the ultimate food when it comes to a healthy diet.

3) Whole-grain oats

These are a great source of fiber and help to lower cholesterol. While also preventing heart disease, colon cancer and some types of breast cancer.

Whole grains might be a little bit boring but they’re cheap and easy to cook. They’re really good for you and your body will thank you for them.

4) Garlic

Garlic is a staple ingredient in virtually every type of cooking in ancient remedy whose medicinal properties stand the test of time. Garlic can improve a meal just as easily as it approves your health with a variety of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory properties. Garlic boosts your immune system, helps with metabolic functions and has been shown to have certain cancer-preventive properties.

The key to getting the most benefits from Garlic is to chop it or crush it and never overcook it.

5) Broccoli

Broccoli helps to detoxify the body, reduces inflammation and is rich with antioxidants. Making it one of the best foods you can eat to maintain health and possibly prevent certain types of cancer.

The key to healthy broccoli is preparation. Overcooking will make the veg soggy and will also destroy the nutrient value. Lightly steaming it will maintain its texture, flavor and it’s incredibly powerful health benefits.

You’ll just have to deal with the taste.


Do you agree with our list?

What vital veggie, fruit or snack do you think deserves a mention?


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